Why Adventist Christian Education? Learn more here.
Our vision is for our students to enter to learn and leave to serve. Through the course of schooling students will be inspired to become independent thinkers to know God and develop a Christ-like character for service through Bible study, curriculum, field trips, weeks of prayer, service opportunities, STEM activities, classroom participation, and partnerships between the school and home.
Ideals we strive for at South Lancaster Academy include:
Christ at the center, a place to find and follow Jesus.
Academics that challenge.
Achievement for everyone.
A safe environment for all.
Balance among the spiritual, mental, social and physical curricula.
SLA uses the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventist approved curriculum. Its development is defined by the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s world view and based on our underlying philosophy. This Core process includes four overlapping states: purpose, plan, practice, and product. Please see the following link for details about this as well as links to the curriculum used for each grade level. https://adventisteducation.org/core.html
High School Diploma Options:
We offer three different diplomas: Honors, College Prep, or a General Diploma. Each one has different requirements as referenced in our handbook.