South Lancaster Academy offers three distinct diploma options for students to pursue. Each is designed for students to fit their unique post-secondary goals.
Designed for students transitioning to a community college or alternate post-secondary program.
Designed for students seeking admission to a four-year college or university. The traditional route for high-school students is to follow this diploma track.
A perfect fit for the student-focused on admission to an early-decision or competitive college admissions program
Graduation Requirements
& Course Catalog
All diplomas need 4 credit hours
Courses Offered:
Religion I (Genesis & Gospels focus on Christ's love for humanity) 1 credit
Religion II (historical survey of God's people) 1 credit
Religion III (salvation, Bible prophecy, Seventh-day Adventist heritage) 1 credit
Religion IV (human behavior & everyday practical Christianity) 1 credit
All diplomas need 4 credit hours
Courses Offered:
English I (writing, grammar & citations survey) 1 credit
English II (literature/genres survey, non-fiction & creative writing) 1 credit
English III (American Literature) 1 credit
English IV (British/European Literature) 1 credit
Credit Hours Requirement:
General Diploma - 2 credit hours (lab science req'd)
College Prep - 3 credit hours (lab science req'd)
Honors - 4 credit hours (lab science req'd)
Courses Offered
Physical Science - 1 credit
Biology - 1 credit
Chemistry - 1 credit
Anatomy & Physiology - 1 credit
Physics - 1 credit
Zoology - 1 semester only - 0.5 credits
Genetics 1 semester only - 0.5 credits
Credit Hours Requirement:
General Diploma - 3 credit hours
College Prep - 4 credit hours
Honors - 4 credit hours
Courses Offered:
Algebra I - 1 credit
Algebra II - 1 credit
Geometry - 1 credit
Advanced Algebra - 1 credit
Consumer Math - 1 credit
Pre-Calculus - 1 credit
Calculus - 1 credit
Social Studies
Credit Hours Requirement:
General Diploma - 3 credit hours (US History req'd)
College Prep - 3.5 credit hours (US History req'd)
Honors - 3.5 credit hours (US History req'd)
Courses Offered:
World History - 1 credit
New England History - 1 semester only - 0.5 credits
History of American Culture & Issues - 1 semester only - 0.5 credits
U.S. Government - 1 semester only - 0.5 credits
Economics - 1 semester only - 0.5 credits
Business &
Credit Hours Requirement:
General Diploma - 1 credit hour
College Prep - 2 credit hours
Honors - 2 credit hours
Courses Offered:
Computer Applications - 1 semester only - 0.5 credits
Graphic Design I, II - 1 semester each - 0.5 credits each
Career Explorations - 1 semester only- 0.5 credits
Accounting - 1 semester only - 0.5 credits
All diplomas need 2.5 credit hours including Health 0.5 credits
Courses Offered:
PE I - 0.5 credits
PE II - 0.5 credits
PE III - 0.5 credits
PE IV - o.5 credits
Health - o.5 credits
Modern Languages
Credit Hours Requirement:
General Diploma - N/A
College Prep - 2 credit hours
Honors - 2 credit hours
Courses Offered:
Spanish I - 1 credit
Spanish II - 1 credit
Fine Arts
All diplomas need 1 credit hour
Courses Offered:
Art I - 1 semester only - 0.5 credits
Art II - 1 semester only - 0.5 credits
Band - 0.5 credits for the year
Choir - 0.5 credits per semester
Drama - 0.5 credits for the year
Handbells Choir - 0.5 credits for the year
"Il Voce" traveling choir (by audition only) - 1 credit for the entire year
Credit Hours Requirement:
General Diploma - 4 credit hours (and as needed to complete total credits)
College Prep - 2 credit hours (and as needed to complete total credits)
Honors - 2 credit hours (and as needed to complete total credits)
Courses Offered:
Applied Outdoor Living - 0.5 credits for the year
Acro Sports - 0.5 credits for the year
Basic Auto Mechanics 1 credit for the year
Home Repair I, II - 0.5 credits per semester
Woodworking I, II - 0.5 credits per semester
Yearbook - 1 for the year
Behavioral Economics - 1 semester only - 0.5 credits
Photography - 0.5 credits for the year
Drawing - 1 semester only - 0.5 credits