After School Care
The After School Care Program is designed to meet the needs of school-age children while their parents are at work or involved in other activities. This program is structured to provide children with a place to be that is safe and nurturing. The children in this program are encouraged to choose between various activities that provide for recreation, individual creativity, and diversity. Arts, crafts, table games, and “building” are just a few of the options. Of course, the “all-time-favorite” is the time made available for homework. Children may bring a snack of their choosing. As with school lunches, we encourage this to be a healthy snack.
Any SLA student in grades P - 12th grade is eligible to be in the After School Care program for an additional hourly fee.
We are open during the following hours:
Monday – Thursday 12:00 noon to 5:30 p.m.
Friday 12:00 noon to 3:00 p.m.
The program is not open on legal holidays, school vacations, snow days, or any other days that the school is closed.
Walking in the door
Walking out to play outside
Returning to classroom
Before & after food
Illness: Sick children not allowed to be in After Care
Nap Mat – Every child in Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten using the daycare services must bring a nap mat purchased in the below link. This will enable the child to use the same mat from Preschool through Kindergarten. It is important that it be 50", have an attached pillow, blanket, and closure (usually velcro). Any color or design is acceptable. VIEW AMAZON for an example nap mat.
Stuffed animals and other naptime toys are not allowed.
If your child is staying past 3:15 p.m., be sure they have a lunch for noon and a separate snack for afternoon.
Be sure your child has clothing appropriate for the weather (i.e. jacket, sweater, boots etc.) We like to go outside often.
We strongly encourage parents to complete the “After School Care Schedule” to facilitate SLA staff in directing children at the end of the each school day. If we know who is expected to stay in After School Care, we are able to let the teacher know who to send to After School Care at dismissal time.
Payments will be processed through a student's FACTS account, only AFTER using the After School Care Program
Completing the schedule does NOT obligate the use of the After School Care Program, or payment of fees so long as the child is picked up by the end of dismissal.
All payments are processed online through the FACTS only after using the After School Care Program.