Below you will find the steps to completely register your children for Camp Sonrise. Every step is required and important, so please read carefully.
Regular Camper (Ages 5-12)
1. ONLINE REGISTRATION — You can register up to 3 young people on the same form, whether they will be Regular Campers, CIT’s, or Volunteer Counselors.
2. VACCINATIONS & MEDICATIONS — This form covers just what the title says. You can enter information for up to 3 young people, regardless of how they are participating at camp.
3. ADD MORE WEEKS - Use this link to add more weeks.
CIT—Counselors In Training (Ages 13-17)
1. ONLINE REGISTRATION — You can register up to 3 young people on the same form, whether they will be Regular Campers, CIT’s, or Volunteer Counselors.
2. VACCINATIONS & MEDICATIONS — This form covers just what the title says. You can enter information for up to 3 young people, regardless of how they are participating at camp.
3. STAFF APPLICATION — All potential CIT’s must fill out a staff application. No one can do it for them, they must fill it out themselves.
Add More Weeks
If you have already registered for Camp Sonrise, you can add additional weeks without going to through the long registration process. Please use this link to ADD MORE WEEKS.
All payments for campers and CITs are made on Monday mornings on the week your camper is attending. Payments are made in the form of cash, check, or credit card at the time of drop off on Monday mornings.
Campers are NOT allowed to stay unless the camper is registered and the week has been paid for.