General Traffic Usage Guidelines


Line up in the queue lane next to the secondary building and the athletic field.

  • If there is already a line of traffic waiting to come into the driveway, please do not try to turn left into the school, but go to the end of George Hill Road, turn around at Goss Lane/Langen Road, and join the line of waiting cars.

  • Do not block outgoing traffic leaving the lower lot while waiting to go up the hill once in the parking lot.

Use the right-hand lane to drop-off and pick-up your child.

  • Cars must pull up to the sign in between the buildings before unloading children in grades 7-12.

  • Cars dropping off students in grades P-6 must pull into the furthest open designated spot in front of the elementary building, where a school patrol officer will assist in opening and closing your door.

Use the left-hand lane to exit the driveway. (thru traffic only)

  • If you are waiting for a student, do not park and wait in either lane. Pull off to one of the designated parking areas indicated on the diagram (see below).


Please Do Not

  • Park across the street and cross over to pick-up or drop-off your child.

  • Block traffic at any time in either driveway lane.

  • Lose awareness through cell phone usage or napping. Pull up to the car in front of you to help us keep the flow of traffic moving quickly.

  • Leave your car running and come inside. Please park in one of our designated parking areas and turn your car off completely before coming inside the building.

Pick Up &
Drop Off Times


Grades P-6

Drop-off: Our drop-off time begins at 7:30 AM. Please plan to arrive at the school NO later than 8:00 AM.

Pick-up: The early arrival of vehicles fills up the driveway quickly causing traffic congestion. The dismissal for students being picked goes from 3:15-3:35 p.m. (M-Th) or 12:00-12:20 p.m. (F). Please arrive NO earlier than 3:10 p.m. (M-Th) or 11:55 p.m. (F).

Grades 7-12

Drop-off: Our drop-off time begins at 7:30 AM. Please plan to arrive at the school NO later than 7:50 AM.

Pick-up: Pick-up time for students in the secondary building will begin at 3:00 PM. The building closes at 3:30 PM, and all students will be asked to leave campus at this time (unless involved in an approved after-school activity). To pick up your child, enter and exit the lower parking lot or follow the traffic pattern in front of the elementary building.
